The District Administration is involved in awareness generation programme by providing Valuable information to the public about various disaster such as Cyclones,    Earthquake etc.


1. During the strom do not venture out unless advised to evacuate. if advised, move to the nearest shelter or any other safe place if so advised by the government.

1. Do not go outside until officially advised thet it is safe to do so. Check for gas leaks. if wet do not use electrical applicanes.

2. If you have vehicle and wish to move out of your house, leave at the time of the initial warning.

2. If you had to evacuate, or did so later, do not return until advised. Use a recommended route for returning and do not rush.

3. Telephone lines and metals pipes can condust electricity at the time, stay away from them. Unplug electricial appliances. Avoid using the telephone or any other electrical applianes.

3. Beware of fallen poer lines, damaged bridges, building and trees and do not enter flood waters. Be carefull of snakebites and carry a stick.

4. Avoid staying on the top of the house. stay close to the ground. Avoid taking shelter near old and damaged building or near trees.

4. Keep your surroundings clean and spary disinfectants. Do not go for sight seeing.

5. Beware of the eye of the cyclon. If the wind velocity suddenly drops, dont assume the cyclone is over;violet winds will soon resume from opposite direction.


6. If driving, Stop the vehicle taking care to be well away from the coast and in an area clear of trees, power lines and water courses. Stay inside the vehicle.



What can you do before an Earthquake occurs ?

Follow Earthquake Resistant Building Codes for new construction and Retrofitting of existing building.Prepare First Aid Box and learn first aid treatment.Organize occasional home earthquake drill. This will provide your family with knowledge of how to avoid injury and panic during an earthquake. Prepare life saving kits which include torch, candle, matchbox, blanket, readymade good items, water bottle, medical kits and radio with additional batteries.

If you are in a House :
If you are in a shop, office or theatre :

1. Take protection under table or other sturdy furniture.Move away from glass window, bookcase and unsecured heavy object. Kneel, sit or stay close to the  floor. Be prepared to move with your family

1. Don’t run for an exit. Move away from window glass display cases or other obvious hazards. If you must leave the building, choose your exist as       carefully as possible.

2. You could kneel, sit or stay close to the floor, an interior wall or corner. Try to switch of Gas and Electricity switches.

2. Don’t be near electric points and cables. Be away from weak portion viz. partition walls, false ceiling of building.

If you are inside a building :

If you are in Vehicle :

1. Avoid high buildings, walls, power lines and other objects that could fall. Be ready to experience aftershocks of earthquake.Check electricity and water services and turn off; if necessary. Listen to your radio for information and advice.

1. Stop in the safe and open place. Check for inquires to your family members and other around you. Do not attempt to move Seriously injured persons unless they are in immediate danger of further injury.

2. Try to get out of dilapidated building.Transfer flammable material to a safer place.Use the telephone to inform, if you are stranded. Remain in a safe position until shaking stops.Be patient and encourage family members to be patient.

ACTION POINTS(Action after the first warning [48 hours before]

1. They should remain in shelters until informed by those in charge that they may return home.

1. Do not keep loose objects like cans, tins and other implements. They may become weapons of destruction during strong winds.

2. They should get themselves inoculated against diseases immediately at the  nearest hospital and seek medical care for the injured and sick.

2. Check the area around the house, remove dead or dying trees and anchor.

3. Make sure that your radio set is fully serviceable. Keep an extra set of  batteries ready for transistor.

3. Remove lumber piles, loose zinc sheets, loose bricks garbage cans, and sign board etc.

4. Any loose and hanging wire from the lamp post should be strictly avoided.

4. Keep some wooden boards ready, so that, glass windows can be boarded.

5. People should keep away from disaster areas, unless they are required.

5. Keep lanterns filled with kerosene, flashlights, match boxes, candles, and extra dry cells.

6. Anti-social elements should be prevented from doing mischief. Houses and dwellings should be cleared of debris.

6. Promptly demolish condemned (unsafe) buildings.

7. The losses should be reported to the revenue authorities. (proforma to be obtained from District Administration).

7. In case of transistors, an extra set of batteries should be kept handy.

8. Relatives should be promptly informed about the safety of persons in the disaster area.


After Tsunami

1. If you are staying in an area near the sea coast, identify in advance the best evacuation route to lead you to higher ground.

1. Continue watching Transistor/ TV for latest information or instructions. If someone needs to be rescued, call the Fire and Rescue Services.

2. If your children’s school is under risk from Tsunami, check in advance whether the school has a Disaster Management Plan and discuss it with school authorities.

2. Use battery powered lanterns or flashlights. Contact nearest disaster control centre. Use the telephones only for emergency calls.


3. Help people who require special assistance infants, large families, people with disabilities etc. Avoid going to disaster areas.

        If there is an announcement for evacuation, follow the instructions provided by the Police or Panchayat Members. Follow recommended evacuation routes. Do not take shortcuts. They may be dangerous.

4. Look for fire hazards, check for gas leaks if you smell or hear a blowing or hissing noise, check the electrical system, sewage and water lines etc.

       Create awareness amongst family members by Discussing about Tsunami. So that one does not panic in case of an emergency but responds to it calmly and quickly.


5. When re-entering buildings or homes, use extreme caution. Examine walls, floors, doors, staircases and windows to make sure that the building is not in danger.


1. If you sense there is a possibility of stampeded in your area, immediately inform the nearest Police.

1. If observed any Fire, which is uncontrollable, immediately call the Fire & Rescue personnel. While calling give exact location with landmark and direction.

2. Do not panic and avoid spreading the rumors. DO not listen to rumors. Avoid going near to the accident area.

2. Identify the cause of the fire and act accordingly.


3. Practice ’Stop’, ‘Drop’ and ‘Roll’, which will help you in the case your clothes catch Fire. Running only makes the fire burn faster.


4. Adopt the suitable ‘put-off’ measures.


5. Put off electric and gas connections. If you are with burn victims, or are a burn victim yourself, call Ambulance; cool and cover burns to reduce chance of further injury on infection.